Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Patient

The Toronto Film Challenge was this past weekend, and The Ministry (my team's name) wrote, shot and edited a 5 minute short titled "The Patient." It was a crazy 24 hours.

Here's a summary...
10am Saturday - we received our challenge pack which consisted of a surprise theme, prop and phrase.
This is Dave and I enjoying the first of many many coffees while waiting for the 10am start...

10:15 to 2pm - we hammered out a basic story as a group before splitting into smaller teams to write it, find costumes, prep locations and a create shooting schedule.

Our story all cue carded and laid out, with a machete thrown in for mood...

2:30 to midnight - filming at three different locations
Shira at one of our locations...

Despite what this photo seems to suggest, that is not the craft services table and I am not reaching for another donut....
James, myself and the other team members on route to another location...

Midnight to 8am - editing, editing, editing
Here I am editing with crazy stress hair...

8am to 9am - sound editing
9am to 9:30 - transfer the film to the submittable format - a stress filled half hour full of computer re-boots and curses
9:30am-9:48am - a mad rush across the city
9:48am Sunday - handed in our short film with 12 minutes to spare

My team was made up of some ridiculously talented and dedicated people, and although I personally made some mistakes during the actual filming, they all brought their A game. I'm incredibly proud of them and thankful they were apart of this little film.

The screening of all the films is this coming Friday and I'm petrified. I'm obsessing over the things I would have done differently, which, I know, isn't helpful. But I did learn an awful lot about my strengths and weaknesses as a filmmaker, and about film making in general, which was really the whole point. Overall it was a great experience, and I'm glad I entered.

All pictures by Mike.

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